An ABC of Heritage Libraries

TitelAn ABC of Heritage Libraries
RedacteurWuyts, Eva, and Pierre Delsaerdt
Subsidiary AuthorsTavernier, Stefan, David Coppoolse, and Susanna De Schepper
UitgeverVlaamse Erfgoedbibliotheek
SamenvattingFlanders Heritage Library is a network of heritage libraries. Through projects and research, we develop competence and spread knowlegde about preserving heritage library collections and making them accessible. Additionally, we wish to raise awareness about the riches of heritage library collections in Flanders and Brussels. Our ABC of Heritage Libraries was printed as a postcard booklet (in Dutch) and widely distristibuted. An online photoalbum of the series is available on our website (Dutch and English). This brochure is a supplement to the postcard booklet and contains an English translation.
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  • 09-09-2014